Feed Your Body

I don’t like being hairy. Not that I’m particularly hairy, but a friend in high school made a joke about a girl’s mustache and ever since then, I’ve been paranoid…made-a-year’s-worth-of-electrolysis-appointments-the-next-day…

Feed Your Body

“If youth was sold in a bottle of hair dye, we would all get in line.” ― Jan Rogers Let’s get back to our roots – or rather – let’s NOT!…

Feed Your Mind

The memory of growing up in a computer-free world is still fresh to Gen X’ers, who built the bridge from analog to digital. Anna Sofia Martin We are the forgotten…

Feed Your Mind

I had this favorite dive bar…it no longer exists… I stopped by one night to grab a burger. I rarely eat meat, but when I do, it’s medium. I’m picky,…

Feed Your Body

I’m an eternally optimistic gadget lover. Technology put a man on the moon. Why can’t it remove wrinkles from our faces? Are you with me?! Red Light Therapy Red light…


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