Feed Your Mind

Pivoting is the art of recognizing that the pursuit of a specific idea, direction or product – in which you’ve invested significant time, money and energy – is no longer…

Feed Your Mind

Well, we are into week two of working remotely to keep us all healthy and virus free. Anyone else getting loopy being out of their routine? I find it helps…

Feed Your Spirit

“When I was young, I used to wish I would fit in… I’m glad I didn’t get my wish.” Steve Maraboli There is a Japanese saying “The nail that sticks…

Feed Your Spirit

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come…

Feed Your Mind

As we are all starting to contemplate society’s measures to diminish the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), it occurred to me that we might need to consider what…

Feed Your Spirit

One of my favorite things to do as I adventure is to check out new, different, quirky, odd, boutique hotels. There is something memorable about staying at an unusual accommodation…

Feed Your Body

Adventure and travel is big part of my strategy for staying vital and youthful. It’s important, while being open to new adventures, not to abandon the healthy habits that keep…

Feed Your Body

By now you’ve all heard about the novel coronavirus or COVID-19, right? Someone at work asked about planning and preparation and it occurred to me that a lot of people…


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