It’s My Birthday


Today is my birthday.

Everyone used to ask if I resented having a birthday two days before Christmas, but I have to say, I never felt like I was overshadowed. The biggest down side was birthday parties. Most people cannot fit a birthday celebration for someone else into the craziness that is already the holidays.

So my birthdays were quiet events, family only – and over time I discovered that suits me well.

I find milestones are good times to reflect.

How did I get here? Am I happy with where I am? Where do I go from here?

The biggest shock to me every birthday is my actual calendar age. Inside I am a perpetual child filled with curiosity and wonder. At least, in my best moments, I am.

This year – I will work on what amounts to a dream board. Dreaming my big, unbounded dreams, and setting them into word, willing them into existence, pushing them in motion. New Year’s Resolutions early? Maybe. I think it’s always a good time to do this, just having a few trigger moments throughout the year makes sure that we actually do.

So, I’m taking my birthday off.

The blog is nearly a year old and I still mostly feel like I’m yelling into the wind. But my sister told me that her friend Nancy follows my blog. So today’s post is dedicated to Nancy…otherwise I figure maybe no one would notice if I skipped a week.

Thanks, Nancy! For now you are my mental audience.

Everyone have a wonderful holiday!!



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