Pause … For Inspiration

Pause for Inspiration

Most weeks inspiration for the blog hits and it practically writes itself!

Egads…you can tell, can’t you?

Sometimes it waits longer to come to me but invariably something sparks my brain and starts my curiosity revving. And…then there’s today.

I wrestled my brain. I wrangled ideas. I searched for sparks of creativity. I tried out a bunch of ideas I have sitting in my backlog list. I did laundry. I was desperate.


Not an iota of an idea. Not a spark of inspiration.

But here’s the lesson I’ll glean from my otherwise utterly blank mind.

There is probably a balance between doing a thing consistently to prove you can do it versus not doing a thing because you can’t do it well.

Or, in the wise words of Charles Bukowski:

“Writing about writer’s block is better than not writing at all.”

Charles Bukowski

Randomly, as I was looking for inspiration, I stumbled on things that made me chuckle. If I can’t fan the flames of creativity, I can spend some time laughing at myself derisively.

21 Hilariously Uninspired Quotes That Prove You Don't Need To Make Lemonade  Out Of Lemons – Inner Strength Zone
Someone Made An "Unspirational" Instagram Account For People Who Hate  Inspirational Quotes, And It's Hilarious | Bored Panda
20 Uninspirational Quotes You'll Love If You Hate Inspirational Quotes

As a side note, even in moments of crushing lack of creativity, we should ALWAYS watch our self-talk. These are funny to me because I don’t actually take them seriously and understand the humor in them. If you take them seriously, they aren’t funny at all – and then I’m sorry and I’m sending you a big hug!



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